Saturday, 17 March 2012

New project

There is a wedding in the end of March and I was asked to make a bolero for the bride. In natural white, creamy color. Bride has the flowers in light blue color, so I found light blue swarowski crystals yesterday, and also navy blue ribbon... Here is the sample of how looks like:

There will be more pictures after the bride has received it...

Märtsi lõpus on üks pulm ning mul paluti teha pruudile boolero, pruutkleidi peale. Värviks naturaalne valge, kreemikas Eesti lambavillane lõng. Pruudikimbus on helesinised lilled ning ostsin eile ära hele-sinised swarowski kristallid, mis lähevad kaelusesse; ning ka tumesinise paela, millega boolero eest kinni saab siduda. Üleval siis näha proovitükk, pärlkoes kootud boolero heegeldatud servaga.
Peagi saab rohkem pilte näha, aga ilmselt PÄRAST seda, kui pruut on kingituse kätte saanud...

A crocheted and knitted cardigan

I think I was around 20 when I made this top.
 I hardly ever wore it, so I decided to make it more modern... I knitted with Metallic cotton, and added slik mohair to it. So it has now a nice golden metallic sparle in the end of sleeves and around the waist.


I had this beautiful green yarn, dark and light green. I found this beautiful picture of a bolero so I decided to  knit one. Pattern is from Garnstudio.
 First you knit the back. Then picking up stitches, you knit with circular needles. The color is very nice, I really like it. And I know someone who has this beautiful summer dress, with dark and light green flowers.

 She doesn`t know yet that it`s for her...

Baby dress

That was my first baby dress, made from merino lace. I finished the front part:
 But because it was for a baby girl who was born few weeks ealier I realised it will be too big for her!
So I just crocheted upper part and here she is:
 And then I made second dress for her.

First I knitted the lower lace with purple merino lace. But the color was a bit too light and too transparent and you could not really see flower pattern, so I had to knit an other layer underneath it, a dark red one.
 Then I picked up the stitches on the side and knitted the upper part. She looks really beautiful in those strong colors!

After making some warm wrist-warmers there was some yarn left over, so here are 2 more dresses. They will fit to children around 6-9 monts old:
Kõigepealt tuli pitisline valge kleit väiksele vastsündinud tüdrukule. Kudusine kleidi esimese osa valmis. Kuna väike tüdruk sündis paar nädalat oodatust varem, siis sai see talle liiga suur... Heegeldasin serva ja ülaosa, leidsin poest kaunid pärli-nööbid ja valmis saigi.
Hiljem tuli veel teine kleit, sest ilm läks külmaks ja tuuliseks. Kudusin helelillast merino lõngast allserva pitsi. Kuid helelilla värv ei toonud esile lillelist mustrit ning tegin selle alla alumise kihi, tumepunase. Siis korjasin servast silmad üle ning kudusin ülaosa. Poest sain veel imeilusad punased kiisu-nööbid. Väike tüdruk näeb imearmas neis tugevates värvides välja!
Pärast randme-sooojendajate tegemist jäi ka lõnga üle ning sellest tuli veel 2 kleiti, vanuses 6-9 kuud.