Sunday 19 February 2012

Feather Duster shawl

After making this shawl in September 2011 I had some yarn left... This shawl is based on Annis shawl, but I chose an other pattern for edge lace:

 So I found a pattern from Ravelry, alles "Feather Duster" and here it is:

 I love the way this pattern brings out the different colors of this yarn.
After blocking the measurements are 58cm (23 inches) x 137cm  (54 inches):

2011 septembris tehtud sallist jäi lõnga järele - see põhineb Annis salli põhimõttel, leiutasin ise lihtsalt ühe teise mustri alla serva kaunistuseks. Vaatasin ja uurisin erinevaid siiruviirulisi mustreid ning leidsin ravelry-st mustri "feather duster" ning siin ta siis nüüd on. Mõõtudeks on 58cm kolmnurga tipuni ja 137 cm ülemine sevr. Paras pisike õlasall kaela ja õlgu soojendama...

Green Mystic Forest

Inspired by nature itself, with its mysterious tree leaves and unknown undergrowth plants of a dark green forest, this lace shawl was just waiting to be knitted ...
I finished the main part already in December, but I was waiting for inspiration for the edge pattern.

 And here it is with the lace edge as well. I knitted it separately and then stitched it to the main part.
 It is 64cm (25 inches) wide and 156 cm (62 inches) long.

Turquoise Seafoam scarf 2

I liked those wavy patterns from Estonian book "Pitsilised koekirjad" (lacy patterns) so I tried the other one out.
 It took my just 1 skein of Austermann`s Merino Lace, 25 grams and 350 meters:
I like this last photo, the bubbly pattern looks really soft, doesn`t it?
And here it is next to the scarf that is made few days ago: 
It looks much better on a dark background, so excellent on a black jumper or jacket!

Saturday 18 February 2012

Red flames - Frostflower scarf/ shawl

An other scarf/ shawl from red Austermann:
 It took me a bit more than 20 hours to make it. Shawl is 29 cm wide (11,5 inches) and 160 cm (63 inches) long.
 Pattern was tricky, because the pattern is not only on the right side of the shawl, but also on the wrong side.
It will look very pretty on a white dress...

Sunday 5 February 2012

Inspiration - pink and mohair

I was looking for inspiration and I found how to crochet "crocodile stitch" from youtube.
For that my mother found some leftover yarn, light pink and bighter pink:
So here is my first few rows: 
I found those gloves from one blog for inspiration: 

And here is the final result. Because Estonian winters are very very cold, I decided to add this crochet part to the fingers, to keep them warm.
Soft Pink MohairPearl Mittens to keep your hands warm:

Ema leidis beebiroosat mohääri lõnga kapist. Proovisin siis esialgu selle juutuubist leitud krokodilli heegelduse ära. 
Siis surfasin mööda internetiavarusi ning leidsin ühest blogist inspiratsiooni kinnaste tegemiseks. Leitud kindad olid küll kroko kaunistusega rohkem randmeosal, sõrmed külma kätte jättes, kuid Eesti külmade talvede tõttu otsustasin selle lisada hoopis sõrmede ja käelaba osale. LÕnga oli 1 tokk (100g, 115 m) ja 2 väiksemat juppi. Väiksemad jupid kulusid kinnaste kudumiseks kenasti ära, tegin need nr 4 varrastega, seega läks töö kibekiirelt. Heegelduse jaoks tegin uue toki lahti... Ilmselt oleks tore ka peapael juurde teha, saab allesjäänud lõnga ka ära kasutada :)

White winter and colors

With this winter here everything is grey and white. Or dark brown (trees and branches).
So I was looking for colors. And I found these:
 I already managed to do a SeaFoam scarf from the blue one, and I used only 1 skein (read my previous post). I have one more for an other scarf!
Then I found this glittering red yarn (mix of mohair, acrylic and metallic) and here it is as a tiny scarf:
 Pattern was very pretty, it looks like frost flowers on the windows, but it was very tricky to knit it. When usually there is pattern only on right side of the work, then with this pattern there is also something on the wrong side. Pattern was 24 rows altogether, and I ALWAYS made a mistake on the 12th row, so I had to knit it twice to get it right!
Because its dark red I think it will look absolutely gorgeous on a black dress. If you want it, you canget it on eBay!
Valge talv eirab värve. Kõik on kaetud lumega, taevas selge sinine ja päike sirab. Kuid ümberrringi on kõik ikkagi valge, või siis puud pruunid. Leidsin siis natuke värve, meriino 'mblikuvõrgu sarnast lõnga. Sinise 1 tokk sai juba ühele sallile ära kasutatud (loe eelist postitust), nüüd võtsin siis käsile punase. See punane on küll Abakhanist ostetud miski mohääri ja akrüüli ja metallicu segu, sai selline kitsas punane sall mustri prooviks tehtud. Muster jäi imeilus, seega võtsin varrastele punase meriino ka, et mõistliku laiusega sall ka endale teha...
Tavaliselt on pitssallidel muster vaid töö õigel poolel, sel mustril oli 22 rida. Ning alati õnnestus mul 12.real miski viga kohe rea alguses sisse teha, niiet tuli igat 12.rida üles harutada. Pitsi on suht raske harutada, tuleb seda silmusehaaval teha, et kogu töö vastu taevast ei läheks... Tüütu oli, aga ilus. Sellepärast paningi salli päevaks kõrvale, ning tegelesin roosade kinnastega. Sall juba venitatud, ootab pildistamiseks homset päikest!

Thursday 2 February 2012

Very cold winter - Seafoam scarf

Today, at 8 am, it was -30 C! After 2 hours of sushine it was -25.
Turquoise Seafoam scarf, Merino Lace yarn.:
27 cm wide and 120 cm long.
 Weight is 23 grams.