I got fascinated my Estonian embroidery, in Muhu style. Muhu is an island of Estonia, in the west part.
I started to look for fine wool that this embroidery is done with. I found a lady in Muhu who is selling those! Here you can see that for 5 euroes I got 49 different colors!
Mind hakkas paeluma tikkimine, täpsemalt siis Muhu tikand.
Hakkasin siis otsime peenvillaseid lõngu, millega Muhu tikandit tehakse.
Leidsin lõpuks ühe Muhu daami, kes neid müüb. Sain 5 euro eest 49 värvitooni!
Siin on mu esimene proovitöö, maasikas.
It ended up as a wintercoat for my smartphone!
Tegin sellest enda nutitelefonile talvekasuka!
Here is the second one. It will be coushin for pins.
Siin on teine proovitöö. Sellest tuleb nõelapadi.
Here is Estonian national flower - cornflower.
Siin on Eesti rahvuslill - rukkilill.
I am born in spring, when the tulips are blossoming.
Olen sündinud kevadel, tulpide õitsemise aegu.
And of course I had to buy a book by Leida Kirst.
Muidugi tuli endale soetada ka Muhu tikandi raamat, Leida Kirstu poolt.
Muhu tikandis on rõhutatud ühte lille, teised on tema saatjad. Ja pilte tehakse autori sõnul nii, et valgus langeb vasakult, seega tuleks tumedamad värvid teha paremale poole. Ning Muhu tikand on üks paras nõelaga maalimine. ;)
Lovely project Lacey! Have bookmarked to use as inspiration for a future project. Thanks for sharing-Carole from: http://www.TheSmilingCat.com