Wednesday 20 November 2013

Kootud loor - knitted veil

I was asked to knit a veil for a bride. The wedding ceremony was on the 1st of November. It took some time for the bride to find out which pattern to choose. Final choice was a leaf pattern, and the edge pattern was with hearts.
Mul paluti ühele pruudile loor kududa. Tseremoonia oli 1.nov 2013. Pruudil läks aega, et valida loori muster. Lõplikuks valitus osutus lehe muster, servapitsiks väiksed südamed.

Leaf pattern:
Lehe muster:
This is testing piece that went to the bride for final evaluation. 
See on proovitükk, mis läks pruudile lõpliku otsuse tegemiseks.

I finished making the main part, and  the edge lace. I was about to stitch it together when this tiny pony was brought to me, for dog sitting. Two hours later I tried to find the knitted pieces I have put on the table but the main part was not there. I looked around, and I finally found it in the hallyway torn to pieces... So I started knitting again, at 6 pm, and finally finished knitting 1 am. I blocked it and went to bed.
I woke up at 6 am, and stitched  them together and put it on a 7 am bus to Tallinn, capital to Estonia. It arrived on time!
Kudusin valmis salli peamise osa, ning ka äärepitsi. Tahtsin hakata neid just kokku õmblema, kui mulle see väike poni hoida toodi paariks päevaks. Tutvustasin koerale oma kodu ja parki. 2 tundi pärast koera saabumist tahtsin uuesti kokkuõmblemist alustada, kuid ei suutnud kootud põhiosa  leida. Otsisin mööda kogu korterit, kuni lõpuks leidsin selle esikust suht tükkideks rebituna. :( Seega alustasin kudumist uuesti õhtul kl 18 ning lõpetasin hommikul kl 1. Panin nõeltega venitusse kuivama ning sain magama minna.
Ärkasin kell 6, et kokku õmmelda ning juukseklambrile kinnitada. Kl 7 alustas loor reisi Tallinna ja jõudis kenasti kohale!   

This is made 6.40 am. Veil is 60cm long. 
See pilt on tehtud hommikul kl 6.40. Loori kogupikkus on 60 cm.

This is how it looks on a bride.
Nii nägi see pruudil välja. 
The happy couple.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

New crcohet project - uus heegeldamise projekt

One lady asked me to make her this:
Üks kaunis daam palus endale sellise teha:

 I took her measurements and I can get to work! The sleeves will be tricky, because she is choir conductor and needs to move her hands...
Võtsin daami mõõdud ja saan tööle asuda. Varrukate lõige tuleb hästi läbi mõelda, sest koorijuhataha peab saama ka kätega vehkida...

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Tulbisall - Tulip shawl

I got this new book where I got this tulip pattern. I am born in the beginning of May and at that time there are always plenty of tulips!
Uuesti HS raamatus nägin tulbi mustrit. Ma olen mai algul sündinud ning siis on neid tulpe juba omajagu!
Here is the shawl:
Siin on siis sall:
Shawl is 70cm wide and 166 cm long.
Sall on 70cm laiune ja 166cm pikkune. 

 It took a bit longer to make it, because there are lots of bobbles. But I love how it looks. It feels like my birthday is coming :)
Salli tegemine võttis tavapärasest natuke kauem, sest nupud on kuidagi siin--seal laiali pillutet`. Aga üldmulje mulle väga meeldib. Tundub, nagu kohe-kohe oleks mu sünnipäev :)

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Haapsalu shawl - Haapsalu sall

My colleague`s mother had a birthday on 28th of September. So I made this Haapsalu shawl from merino wool, with a paw pattern.
Töökaaslase emal oli 28.sept sünnipäev. Seega sai tehtud tellimise peale Haapsalu sall meriinovillast, käpakirjaga. 

Shawl is 70 cm wide and over 140 cm long.
Sall sai 70 cm lai ja üle 140 cm pikk. 

Without any nupps/ bobbles and with the simplest edge pattern.
Ilma nuppudeta, lihtsaima äärepitsiga. 

Monday 30 September 2013

Red crochet dress/ Punane heegeldatud kleit

Finally I finished my red dress!
I found the instruction from osinka forum, here.
Lõpuks sai valmis mu punane kleit!
Leidsin selle tegemise õpetuse siit, osinka foorumist.
 Here is my version of it.
Siin on minu versioon.

 Because my body is not shaped as hourglass, I had to change the design a little. That is why there are two horizontal lines in the dress.
Kuna minu keha pole liivakella tüüpi, tuli kleidi lõiget natuke muuta. Seepärast ongi minu versioonil kaks horisontaalset triipu sees. 

Saturday 31 August 2013

Pink waterlily/ vanaroosa vesiroosi mustriga

I quite like this waterlily pattern. So here is an other one:
Mulle koledasti meeldib vesiroosi muster. Siin on järgmine, vanaroosa:
Measurements are 170x76 cm.
Mõõtudeks tuli 170x76 cm.

Shawl Tiina/ õlarätt Tiina

Päris raske on sellist suurt salli soojade ilmadega ühele poole saada. Salli autoriks on Eesti sallikuduja
It was quite hard to finish this shawl, because the wheather has been so nice. The designer of this beautiful thing is Estonian knitter

Mõõtudeks on 120x220 cm.
Measurements are 120x220 cm.

There were lots of nupps so I had to buy more yarn. But the new yarn was a bit darker as you can see.
Nupud on paras lõngasööja, seega tuli lõpus lõnga juurde osta. Ja nagu pildilt näha, oli uus lõng tiba tumedam. 

Ilus sügisvärvi sall.
Nice color for autumn.

Torbikukirjaga kolmnurkne/ Triangular

Valmis sai Haapsalu räti raamatust Torbikukirjaga rätt.
I finally finished a triangular shawl from one book.

Mõõtudeks 80x170 cm.
Measurements are 80x 170 cm.
Eesti peenvillane lambavill, hea soe külmadeks talveõhtuteks.
Estonian wool, nice and warm for our cold winters.

Alumine serv.
Bottom lace.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Ploomivärvi - colour of plum

Here is a pattern that is called "the most beautiful pattern in the world".
Siin on sall, mille mustriks "maailma ilusam sallikiri".

Yarnart SILK, 50% silk, 10% kid mohair, 40% merino.
Yarnair SILK, siidi- beebimohääri-meriino segu.

The edge lace is only at two sides of the shawl. 
Äärepits on vaid kahes otsas.

It is long enough to wrap it around yourself.
See on piisavalt pikk, et end sellesse mässida. 

Thursday 9 May 2013

Crochet clothes - heegeldused

Here are all the things I have made. I made the 2 dress in the middle for myself, the purple dress is waiting for delivery. The rest I am ready to sell!

Siin on minu tehtud heegeldused. Kaks keskmist kleiti tegin endale, lilla kleit on tellitud, ülejäänud asjad olen valmis müüma!

 2 skirts for beach.
2 rannaseelikut.

2 tops, the one onthe left is cotton, the other one is wool, warmer.
2 topi - vasakapoolne on puuvillast, parempoolne villane, soojem.
and here are the 4 dresses.
ja siin on 4 kleiti.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Color of love/ mis värvi on armastus

This is red. Color of love.
Punane. Armastuse värv.

It a smaller version of Haapsalu shawl.
Haapsalu salli natuke kitsam versioon.

Wind was about to blow it off my hands.
Tuul tahtis salli käest puhuda...


Shawl is knitted separatedly. Lace edge is stitched to it, knitted in 2 parts.
Saal on eraldi kootud, äärepits kahes osas kootud ning siis salli külge õmmeldud. 

I am not sure where I got the patterns. Oh, this is the lace edge pattern.
Ei oska praegu öelda, mis mustritega tegu on, raamatud pole käepärast. Äärepits sai selline: