Monday 30 April 2012

Merinos light blue - helesinine

I was asked to make a nice long shawl. So here it is. It is 46 cm wide and 152 cm long. 121 stitches. 
Here is the shawl before blocking..
And here it is after blocking...

Telliti siis kena kevadine lai ja pikk sall. Viljapeakiri oli mustriks vist. Sall tuli 46cm lai ja 152 cm pikk. 
Kahjuks äärepitsist loobuti, muidu oleks imekaunis Haapsalu sall tulnud. Vardal 121 silmust. 
Esimene pilt on ilma venituseta, vast-valminud. 

New pattern - uus muster

Some time ago I saw this pattern
 I liked it very much and I tried to find it, but I could not. And now just few days ago I found a book in my bookshelf and there was the pattern. I tried to knit it, but I wasn`t happy with it. Maybe the yarn was not the best choice (sheep wool), maybe merino lace will better after blocking. But I gave up... Pattern has in the beginning about 25 stitches, and then it goes into 27, 29,33 and 37. And then back to 27, then 19, 21, 29... By the time I changed the pattern and was happy with the result I just got so frustrated. There is always tomorrow! ;)
Pattern can be found here.
Millalgi nägin sellise mustriga teost. See meeldis mulle väga ja püüdsin tulutult selle mustrit leida. Ja nüüd paar päeva tagasi leidsin oma raamaturiiulist raamatu, milles see muster sees ("Koemustrid", OÜ Heili Kirjastus, 1997, trükitud Tallinna Raamatutrükikojas)! Proovisin siis seda kududa, no ja ei meeldinud eriti. Võib-olla valisin vale lõnga (ühekordne täisvill), äkki meriinost jääb pärast venitamist parem. Aga andsin alla...
Mustril on alguses 25 silmust, siis on järk-järgult 27, 29, 33 ja 37. Ja siis jälle 27, siis 19,21 ja 29... Selleks ajaks, kui mustrist natuke muutnud olind ja tulemusega rahule jäin, olin täiesti tüdinud. Aga alati on homme parem päev! ;)
Mustri võib leida siit.

Merinos green

I decided to get rid of the green Merinos yarn. I made a little scarf. It is quite short. only about 100 cm, and 30 cm wide..

Otsustasin lahti saada Merinos rohelisest lõngakerast - tegin väikse rohelise salli. Tuli üsna lühike, 100 cm pikk ja 30 cm lai...

Mitten - kinnas

I finished the mitten I started some time in autumn. I could not make up my mind about the colors then - should I choose green or red... Now I chose green, probably got inspiration from the spring. Sorry, I cannot find the pattern anymore, I found it from Ravelry. Unfortunaltey I saved as "lovely mittens for autumn"... 
I only made 1, because I don`t like the way thumb is made. If I choose to make those again, I will probably add more stitches to the beginning, so the thumb will move more freely... Have a look yourself!


Lõpetasin juba millalgi sügisel poolikuks jäänud kinda. Ei suutnud siis kuidagi värve valida - kas teha punast või rohelist ülemissse otsa. Nüüd sai valitud roheline, ilmselt inspireeritud kevadest. Mustrit enam ei leia, sain selle Ravelry-st, kahjuks salvestasin arvutisse nimetuse alla "sügisesed labakud"...
Tegin ainult ühe kinda, sest mulle ei meeldinud see, kuidas pöial jäi kuidagi kiskuma. Kui kunagi neid teha otsustan, siis ilmselt lisad silmuseid juurde algusesse, et pöialt vabamalt liigutada saaks.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Spring pumps - kevadised tennised

 I went to town the other day. And I cannot stop myself from going into Zara and Mango shops because they are filled with lacy clothes, and there are plenty of floral patterns. Yes, I walked in to get some inspiration. I must say I got inspired already before that, having reading LaBastidane`s blog and finding those shoes:

And it worked! A moment later I was the happy owner of white pumps

  and I got an idea what to do with them. So here are my own personalized pumps!
From one of the charity shops I also found a perfect dress for 1 pound. Those are one of my favourite colors, so I am happy!

Ükspäev käisin linnas. No ei saa ju mööda kõndida Zara ja Mango poodidest, kus vaateakendel säravad pitsist ja suurte lillemustritega rõivad. Ikka astusin sisse ja lasksin silmal puhata. Tegelikult pean tunnistama, et inspireerusin juba paar päeva varem LaBastidane blogi uurides ning tema tikitud pilte-asju imetledes.
Midagi läks poes ringi käies vaimusilmas ka käima, sest hetk hiljem olin valgete tenniste õnnelik omanik ning oligi idee olemas, mida nendega teha!
Sekkarist sain ka kena suvekleidi 1 naela eest ning kevadine-suvine garderoob täieneb... Olin ammu sellisest kleidist unistanud! Ja kleidi värvid on ka mu lemmikud!

Project Green

I was asked to make 2 curtains in green colors. 1m wide and 220cm long.
I thought that if I knit every day for 3 hours it might be ready in 30 days... But I`ll see. Within 2 days (6 hrs like I planned) I managed to knit 45cm. Pattern is called "milky way" from the book of Haapsalu Shawl.

Minult telliti 2 kootud rohelist kardinat. 1m lai ja 220cm pikk.
Arvutasin ja mõtlesin, et kui iga päev kooksin 3 tundi, siis äkki 30 päevaga saan need valmis... Aga eks näis. Kahe päevaga (ja nagu planeeritud, 6 tunniga) õnnestus 45 cm kududa. Mustriks sai valitud "linnuteekiri" Haapsalu salli raamatust.

Black and gold - must ja kuld

Few days ago I saw this. And it gave me some inspiration. So here is something that will end up as upper part. 

And I crocheted golden thread that wil lend up around the neck, probably on the sleeves as well.

Paar päeva tagasi nägin midagi sellist. Ja see andis mulle inspiratsiooni. Siin on siis musta ja kuldsega pärlkoes kootud kehaosa. 
Ja heegeldasin kuldsest niidist (Ungarist pärit Anchor-niit) servapitsi. Ilmselt lõpetab see nii kaeluse ümber kui ka varrukate otstes.

Shades of red - Punase varjundid

My mother had 6 skeins of yarn Serenade. It consists of 78% of mohair and 22% of polyamid. Original idea I had was to make a poncho, like making 2 triangular shawls together. But it didn`t quite turn out the way I wanted. 
So I made the body part separately and added something to the end of sleeves. But it still doesn`t look right. I think I need to add something to the waistline as well to make it into a jumper. 
After making this poncho there was still some yarn left (it took only 4,5 skeins for poncho). Here is the part that was left over:
I need to think of something, but today is not not that day... 

Emal oli mitu rokki mingit punasekirjut lõnga. 6 tokki lõnga Serenade, 78% mohair ja 22% polyamiidi. Algideeks oli õlasalli moodi tegemine, ainult et 2 kolmnurkset õlasalli kokku teha. No ja muidugi allserv ei jäänud päris nii nagu oleksin tahtnud, varrukate juurest jäi kuidagi pikem. Tegin siis kehaosa allserva soonikut ja varrukaotsad ka külge. Aga kuidagi polnud see õige. Ilmselt tuleks mingi pihaosa ka nuputada ja ikkagi kapsuniks teha. Jupike jäi lõnga järele, pontšoks kulus 4,5 tokki. Siin on see jupike, ilmselt tuleb midagi juurde leiutada, aga täna pole üldse see päev...

Tuesday 17 April 2012


I am really fond of the Lily of the Valley pattern at the moment. So excuse me for this one... At first I thought Lily of the Valley patterns had too many bobbles in them and I just ignored them. 
So here are white lacy wristwarmers for my dear sister.

Hetkel on mul piibelehekirjade vaimustus. Kunagi arvasin, et seal on liiga palju nuppe ja jätsin need esialgu kõrvale. Niiet andke andeks, tõesti...
Niiet siin on randmesoojendajad mu kallile õele!

Monday 16 April 2012

Birthday present

There is pink triangular shawl that I made with Sofia pattern. It travelled on Sunday to a birthday girl - I think she will be 76 on 17th of April. 
I also made a box and wrapped it nicely and also added care instructions. Happy birthday!

Tegin kunagi ühe roosa kolmnurkse salli, Sofia mustriga. Nüüd rändas see sünnipäevalapseni - daam saab 76.aastaseks 17.aprillil. Võtsin enda tehtud käsitsitehtud karbi ja pakkisin kenasti sisse, hooldusjuhend ka kenasti kaasas. Palju õnne!

Lily of the Valley - Piibelehe mustriga

Here is my Lily of the Valley shawl again. I wanted also to make a lace edge, but there was no yarn left! In the back of the house there is a cherry tree and I could not wait untill it is in full bloom...

Shawl is 47 cm wide and 122 cm long. Garter stitsh number on the sideis 216. A little less than Haapsalu shawl should have (220-240).

Siin on jällegi üks Piibelehekirjaga all. Tahtsin küll kauni äärepitsi ka lisada, aga nagu ikka, sai lõng enne otsa! Maja taga hakkab kirsipuu õide minema, ja no ma ei jaksanud oodata, mil täies õies oleks - pidin enne ikka esimese õiega pildi ära tegema...
Sall on 47 cm lai ja 122 cm pikk. Ripsiridasid küljel on 216. Natuke vähem kui Haapsalu sallil peaks olema...

Monday 9 April 2012

My little Empire

Making shawls is a nice thing to do, but when you give them away as presents there is a question of where to put this beautiful shawl. i have been gone through many shops on Cambridge and also going through them online, but nothing really caught my eye or inspired me. 
So after many months of thinking and searching I finally find a solution - I will make boxes myself! 
Here are white ones that I mananged to make from A4 white paper. I have got one box (don`t remember where I got it from or what was in it), but I kind of destroyed it to see how it is done. And then I brought few large cardboard papers.
And here they are few hours later:
 Minu väike impeeriumVäga tore on kauneid pitsilisi salle kududa, aga neid kingituseks ära andes tekib küsimus, kuidas neid küll pakendada. Otsisin mööda erinevaid poode ning arvestades seda, et sallid on erinevas suuruses ja kõrguses, oleks mõttetu endale kümmekond ühes mõõdus karpi nurka seisma soetada. Seega langetasin pärast pikka internetis otsimist ja mööda poode kammimist otsuse - teen karbid ise! Palju toredam on saada just sulle mõeldes omavalmistatud ja unikaalne karp, kas pole?
Kunagi sügisel sai kusagilt turult midagi karbis ostetud, ning võtsin ja lammutasin selle karbi kenasti laiali. Valgest A4 paberist sai paar proovi-karpi tehtud, ning tulid päris kenasti välja. Pidi ainult hoolas olema ja tähele panema, kuhu ja kuidas murdmise koha märge paberile teha, et hiljem see kokkuvoldituna näha ei jääks. 
Paar tundi hiljem olid värvilised karbid kenasti valmis. Kõvasti läks küll nuputamist ja mõõtmist ja ette-mõtlemist, aga idee sai teoks!

Red shawl with Bindweed pattern

Here is a shawl that I made loooooong time ago. I wasn`t quite sure if it will be like a scarf or will I add edge to it...
 My neece had a birthday in beginning of April and I completely forgot about it! So when I went through my creations I saw this color and I knew it will be perfect for her (hopefully she will feel the same way...)
 So here is the shawl with edge lace pattern as well, after blocking:
 Final measurements are 58 cm wide (23") and 156 cm (62") long.
I hope she will like it!

Kunagi ammu aega tagasi sai selline Kassitapu mustriga sall tehtud. Noja jäi kappi ta jäigi - ei saanud päris õige. Ma polnud kindel, kas jääbki selliseks kaela-salliks või tuleb temast kunagi midagi muud. Kui pole kindel, jäta pigem asi katki - on minu motoks saanud. Noja nüüd selgus, et mu täditütrel oli aprilli alguses sünnipäev. Muidugi õnnestus see mul täiesti ära unustada - ilma Eestisse kaotatud ja nüüdseks leitud märkmikuta olen ma nagu Kati ilma karuta, noh. Igatahes vaatasin oma varalaeka varud üle ning selle salli värvi nähes tuli kohe mõte, et see sobiks talle väga hästi (loodan, et ta arvab kingitust kätte saades samamoodi). 
Valisin äärepitsi ka välja ning - tehtud, mõeldud -, saigi asja kallale asuda. 
Siin on siis punakas-oranžikas õlasall, kenasti tradtisioonilise Haapsalu salli stiilis eraldi kootud ja hiljem külje õmmeldud äärepitsiga. Haapsalu sallist on see küll kitsam: HS-il on 115-140 silmust vardal, mul oli vaid 72. Lõplikud mõõdud pärast venitamist - 58 cm lai ja 156 cm pikk.

Lily of the Valley pattern with a leaf 2

Because I did not like the fact my previous shawl with the same pattern was too small, so I took Estonian sheep wool and started to make a bigger one! Here it is:
 This one has  different lace edge pattern, as you can see:
It is quite heavy, and it will be very warm. Final measurements are 60 cm wide (24") and 142 cm (56") long.

Kuna eelmine piibelehekirjaga sall jäi liiga lühike, võtsin kodumaist Eesti lambavilla ja tahtsin sama mustriga korraliku pikkusega salli teha. Siin see siis nüüd on! 
Äärepitsi mustri valisin ka ikka teistsuguse, hea raske ja seega ka soe sall peaks olema. Lõplikud mõõdud on 60 cm lai ja 142 cm pikk. Paras pikkus ümber õlgade mässimiseks. 

Lily of the Valley pattern with a leaf

I was quite fond of the Lily of the valley pattern. There are several patterns with lily of the valley (in the book "Haapsalu shawl"), so it took me some time to find the right one. Tha one I chose is also called "Ingrid Rüütli pattern", because it was made for Ingrid Rüütel, who was Estoanian Republic`s President`s wife at that time. Anyway, here it is:
 It turned out quite small. usually it has to be 220-240 garter stitches on the side of it, but this one has only 168. So altogether there should be 440-480 rows. Mine has only 336, plus the edge lace of course! It only covers the shoulders, you cannot wrap it around your shoulders.
 Here is the edge lace pattern I chose.
Final measurements are: 60 cm wide (24 ") and 110 cm long (44").

Mulle on viimasel ajal kohutavalt meeldima hakanud need piibelehekirjaga sallid.  Läks ikka mõnda aega raamatute lappamist, kui leidsin sellise, mis väga meeldis. Lehega piibelehekiri, ehk Ingrid Rüütli kiri. 
Kahjuks tuli sall üsna väike. Mul oli väike kera naturaalset valget lõnga, ning salli lõpuosa kudusin üsna pimedas. Seega pimedas tundus, et mul on vist veel üks suurem kera seda lõnga. Ootasin hommikuni, kuid päevavalges oli asi hoopis teine. Seni kootud lõng oli tooni võrra tumedam, seega tuli sall lõpetada 168 ripsirea juures. Tavapärasel Haapsalu sallil on 220-240 ripsirida, mis teeb kokku 440-480 edasi-tagasi rida kogu sallile. Lisaks siis veel äärepits, eksju. 
See sall mahub õlgu katma, endale ümber õlgade mässida see kahjuks ei ulatu. 
Lõplikud mõõdud on 60 cm (24 tolli) lai ja 110 cm (44 tolli) pikk.


It all started from this yellow merino lace wool. At first I made this shawl, pattern is called "Mystic forest" (you can find the pattern here). Anyway, after finishing the shawl it took me some time to find the right edge lace pattern for it.

 So here is the shawl after blocking with lace edga pattern. I did knit it directly to the shawl, although according to traditional Haapsalu shawl the lace edge is always knitted separately and later stitched to the main part of the shawl. I guess they did not have circular knitting needles then, did they?
 So I had a little yellow yarn left after making this wonderful bright yellow shawl. So here is a little sample of a pattern I chose for it:
 My plan is to knit a kimono style top. Yellow upper part (because there is not enough yellow yarn to knit all the top from it), and lower part with different colours. Here is the sample of what I had in mind:
 After blocking the yellow parts and stitching them together I made the waist part as well. Waist part is knitted with circular kneedles.
But I am quite not happy with the way it turned out! :( I guess it might end up as a dress, but the idea is not quite ripe yet!